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九个不受经济萧条影响的职业 9 Recession-Proof Careers
作者:Cathie Gandel and Hilary Sterne

Despite the economic downturn, these careers are still growing. 尽管经济运行在下行区间,但是对这些职业的需求却有增无减。

1. Education 教育
Math and science teachers will be in demand as the U.S. struggles to compete with other countries in engineering, technology, and medicine. A growing immigrant population means more English-as-a-second-language classes will be needed. 在美国挣扎着和其他国家在工程、技术和医药领域一比高下的时候,数学和理科类老师将受到青睐。同时,随着移民数量的增长,以英语作为第二语言的课程的需求量也会增长。
Postsecondary teachers - Median salary: $56,120 Education: bachelor's degree and often a master's or doctorate 从事中等教育的教师 - 工资中位数:$56,120。 教育水平要求:本科,有时要求硕士或者博士学位。
Teacher assistants - Median salary: $21,580 Education: some post-secondary education or vocational training教师助理 - 工资中位数:$21,580。 教育水平要求:受过一定程度的中等或职校教育。
Educational, vocational, and school counselors - Median salary: $49,450 Education: secondary education, associate's, bachelor's, or master's 教育、职校或者学校辅导员 - 工资中位数:$49,450。教育水平要求:中学教育,专科、本科或者硕士学位。
2. Energy 能源
Some of the jobs in this field are the result of projects started a year or more ago. But the real boost will come from the new administration's commitment to a more efficient national energy system. "Growth of energy consumption around the world will keep this sector strong," says Laurence Shatkin, coauthor of 150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs.这个领域的一些工作是由多年以前启动的项目所遗留下来的,但是新政府所承诺的一个全国范围内的更高效的能源系统将使这个领域的工作机会大幅度增长。《150个不受经济萧条影响的职业》一书的合著者Laurence Shatkin说,“世界范围内能源消耗的增长将使这个领域保持强劲的势头。”

Power plant operators - Median salary: $56,640 Education: vocational training and several years of on-the-job training 电厂操作员 - 工资中位数:$56,640。教育水平要求:职业教育和数年现场培训。
Insulation workers - Median salary: $31,280 Education: secondary education and vocational training绝缘工人 - 工资中位数:$31,280。 教育水平要求:中学和职业教育。
Electrical power-line installers and repairers - Median salary: $52,570 Education: vocational training and several years of on-the-job training电力线安装及维修工 - 工资中位数:$52,570。教育水平要求:职业教育和数年现场培训。

3. Environment 环境
Green is getting the green light in a nationwide push to make homes and office buildings more energy-efficient and to develop alternative energy sources (solar, wind, nuclear) as well as fuel cell technology. "Anything involved with wind power, either the design or related products, will be big," says Laurence Stybel.由于全国范围内都在推进住宅和办公场所的能源效率,发展替代能源(太阳能,风能,核能)和燃料电池技术,环保技术可以说是一路享受绿灯。Laurence Stybel说,“任何和风能沾上边的,不管是设计还是相关产品,都将是大有作为的。”

Environmental scientists - Median salary: $58,380 Education: master's 环境科学家 - 工资中位数:$58,380。教育水平要求:硕士学位。
Environmental engineers - Median salary: $72,350 Education: bachelor's 环境工程师 - 工资中位数:$72,350。教育水平要求:本科学位。
Hydrologists - Median salary: $68,140 Education: master's 水文学家 - 工资中位数:$68,140。 教育水平要求:硕士学位。

4. Financial Services  金融服务
Rising from the ashes of a very bad year, financial services have a bright future. Corporate America's wretched excesses mean more government regulation. Workers who are retiring will need advice on how to make their money last. Small businesses may outsource accounting services. As we get to the middle of the recession, there will be a wave of mergers and acquisitions, Stybel predicts. "People with experience in managing the process-corporate attorneys, investment bankers, and accountants-will be in demand."经历了凤凰涅磐重新崛起的金融服务业将会有个光明的前途。美国企业无度的挥霍只能意味着政府将出台更多的法规进行限制。那些即将退休的工人将会需要有关理财方面的建议。小公司也会将它们的金融服务外包。Stybel预测,随着经济萧条的深入,会出现一系列的合并和收购。这就需要对这个过程有经验的人,比如说企业律师,投资银行家和会计师。

Financial advisers - Median salary: $67,660 Education: bachelor's 金融顾问 - 工资中位数: $67,660。教育水平要求:本科学位。
Accountants and auditors - Median salary: $57,060 Education: bachelor's 会计师和审计师 - 工资中位数: $57,060。 教育水平要求:本科学位。
Sales agents (securities and commodities) - Median salary: $68,430Education: bachelor's 推销代理(证券和商品) - 工资中位数:$68,430。教育水平要求:本科学位。
5. Government 政府 (这一点全世界都差不多呀
More than half a million federal employees will retire by 2016, leaving open positions at agencies from the CIA to AmeriCorps to NASA. There will also be opportunities at the state and local levels. "In addition to police work and homeland security, government inspects and regulates many industries," says Shatkin. "Workers can sometimes capitalize on their experience in an industry by moving into a regulatory job." 到2016年,将会有50多万联邦政府雇员退休,这意味着届时从中央情报局到 AmeriCorp到NASA都会有大量空缺,而且在各州以及地方也会出现机会。Shatkin说,除了警察工作和国土安全工作以外,政府还对许多工业进行监察和规范。工人有时可以利用自己在某个工业领域的经验过渡到监察方面的工作。

Government property inspectors - Median salary: $48,400 Education: vocational training, associate's or bachelor's 政府财产稽查员 - 工资中位数:$48,400。教育水平要求:职业教育,专科文凭或者本科学位。
Immigration and customs inspectors - Median salary: $59,930 Education: bachelor's 移民和海关稽查员 - 工资中位数:$59,930。教育水平要求:本科学位。
Urban and regional planners - Median salary: $57,970Education: master's 城市和地区规划员 - 工资中位数:$57,970。教育水平要求:硕士。

6. Health Care 卫生保健
Health care pops up at the top of just about every list of hot careers. All of us are getting older and living longer, sometimes with chronic health conditions. What's more, health insurance practices may undergo a radical revision during the Obama administration, which has announced plans to address three central issues: coverage, cost, and quality of care. "Health care is a growing industry," says Bettina Seidman, "and not just for health care professionals. There will also be jobs for secretaries, accountants, and administrators." 在任何一个热门工作榜上,卫生保健总是名列前茅。我们都在变老,寿命也在延长,有时我们还会有慢性病。而且,奥巴马政府可能会对健康保险的现状进行大刀阔斧的改革。奥巴马政府已经宣布将解决三个重要的问题:保险范围,花费,和保健质量。Bettina Seidman说,“卫生保健是个不断发展的企业,对卫生保健的专业人士来说是这样,对秘书、会计和管理者来说也是如此。”

Registered nurses - Median salary: $60,010Education: associate's or bachelor's 注册护士 - 工资中位数:$60,010。教育水平要求:专科或者本科学位。
Dental assistants - Median salary: $31,550Education: secondary education, plus a few months to one year of on-the-job training 牙医助理 - 工资中位数:$31,550。教育水平要求:中学教育,加数月或者一年岗位培训。
Medical records and health information technicians - Median salary: $29,290 Education: associate's 医疗记录和健康信息技术员 - 工资中位数:$29,290。教育水平要求:专科学位。

7. International Business 国际业务
Corporations, consulting firms, nonprofits, and even governments are going after global markets. People with international expertise, foreign-language skills, or a willingness to move abroad will be in demand. "The global economy is only going to grow," says John Challenger. "U.S. involvement will expand, short and long term." 大企业、咨询公司、非营利机构,甚至政府部门都在瞄准环球市场。那些具有跨国经验、外语技能,或者愿意移居国外的人都将抢手。John Challenger说,“全球经济只会有增无减。从短期或者长期来说,美国在这方面的参与也将不断扩大。”

Interpreters and translators - Median salary: $37,490 Education: bachelor's 口译翻译笔译翻译 - 工资中位数:$37,490。教育水平要求:本科学位。
International management analysts - Median salary: $71,150 Education: bachelor's or master's
国际管理分析员 - 工资中位数:$71,150。教育水平要求:本科或者硕士。
Market research analysts - Median salary: $60,300 Education: bachelor's or master's 市场调研分析员 - 工资中位数:$60,300。教育水平要求:本科或硕士。

8. Law Enforcment 执法
International terrorism makes daily headlines, and fear of financial insecurity is matched only by concern for our physical safety. "Crime doesn't go down in a recession," says Shatkin. "It may even increase." 国际恐怖主义活动每天都充斥着报刊的头版头条,我们对自己人身方面的担心和对自己财务安全的担心不分上下。Shatkin说,“在经济萧条时,各种犯罪有增无减。”

Probation officers - Median salary: $44,510 Education: bachelor's 缓刑监督官 - 工资中位数:$44,510。教育水平要求:本科。
Court reporters - Median salary: $45,330 Education: postsecondary vocational training 法庭书记官 -工资中位数:$45,330。教育水平要求: 高等教育或者职业训练。
Paralegals - Median salary: $44,990Education: associate's degree in paralegal studies 律师助理 - 工资中位数:$44,990。教育水平要求:律师助理方面的专科学历。

9. Technology 技术
New uses of technology in services and products like electronic health records mean that this sector will continue to be strong. "We have just begun to use the Internet as an entertainment medium in publishing, music, and film," says Peter Weddle. 由于科技在电子健康记录等领域和产品的应用,科技产业将会持续其强劲的发展势头。Peter Weddle说,“因特网作为出版、音乐和电影等领域的娱乐媒介才刚刚开始。”

Computer systems analysts - Median salary: $73,090 Education: bachelor's
计算机系统分析员 - 工资中位数:$73,090。教育水平要求:本科。
Network systems and data communications analysts - Median salary: $64,600 Education: bachelor's
网络系统和数据通讯分析员 - 工资中位数:$64,600。教育水平要求:本科。
Computer, ATM, and office machine repairers - Median salary: $37,100 Education: high school or vocational training 计算机,自动取款机和办公机械维修员 - 工资中位数:$37,100。教育水平要求:中学或者职业教育。
And We'll Always Be Looking For...同时,我们还在寻找以下雇员。。。
"Think of basic human needs, the things we can't do without," says Shatkin. They provide what he calls "little islands" of employment in this economy. For example, he says, we will always need sewage and water treatment. Challenger says the food industry is a core area: "People have to eat, and the global population is increasing."
Shatkin说,“想一下人类基本的需求,也就是那些我们离不开的东西。” 用Shatkin的话来说,这些基本的需求在当前经济状况下就业“安全岛”。他说,比如我们总是需要污水和饮用水处理。Challenger说食品工业是个核心领域:“人需要吃饭,而且全球人口在不断增加。”
In a down economy, people don't buy new cars—they repair their old ones. People turn to their clergy for comfort. Funeral directors will always have jobs. And since pets are very much a part of the family, veterinarians and veterinary technicians will continue to be in demand. 在经济衰退时,人们不会买新车 - 他们会修理自己的旧车。人们会从他们的牧师那里寻找慰藉。殡仪馆馆长永远都会有工作。因为宠物永远是家庭中非常重要的一部分,兽医以及兽医技术员将继续受到欢迎。

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