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您的位置:首页 >> 翻译家 >> 翻译词库 >> 工业行业 >>中国农村房屋建设翻译
作者:Sheldon, Kate, Celine

砖混及以上结构 brick-reinforced concrete and the above structure
混合结构及以上 mixed structure and the above
非混合结构 non-mixed structure
砖木及以上结构 brick-wood and the above structure
钢混结构 reinforced concrete structure, RC structure
框架结构 framework structure
茅草土坯结构 grass mud brick structure
建筑面积 floor space,building area
年末实有建筑面积 year end actual building area
实心粘土砖 solid clay brick
建材下乡 bringing subsidized building materials to the countryside
住房城乡建设部 Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD)
中国国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC)
框架图纸 framework drawing
圈梁 perimeter beam, ring beam
地梁 ground beam
构造柱 structural column
中国农房建设发展趋势以及对钢材需求影响的研究 A Research on China Rural Housing Construction Development Trend and Its Impact to the Demand of Steel
建成区 urbanized area
建制镇 major town
集镇 minor town, small town
行政村 administrative village
自然村 village, natural village, hamlet
农村房屋 rural housing
生产性住房 production housing
生产性建筑 production building
公共建筑 public building
承重结构 load-bearing structure
承重墙 load-bearing wall
正相关关系 positive correlation relationship
预测 estimate
变化 change
中国统计年鉴 China Statistical Yearbook
用钢强度 steel consumption intensity
存量 stock
抽样调查问卷 sample questionnaire
存量农房 stock rural housing
计量经济学分析, 计量分析 econometric analysis
计量模型 econometric model
定性变量 qualitative variable
定量变量 quantitative variable
自变量 independent variable
因变量 dependent variable
加权平均值 weighted average
分析模型 analysis model
抗震设防烈度 antiseismic protective intensity
哑元 dummy
十二五 the 12th Five-Year Plan
面板数据 panel data
拟合 fitting
截距 intercept
显著性检验 test of statistical significance
假设检验 hypothesis test
影响系数 influence coefficient
塑钢窗 PVC window
名义增长率 nominal growth rate
稳健性预测原则,谨慎性预测原则 prudence estimate principle
人均纯收入 per capita net income
农村危房改造 rural dilapidated housing rehabilitation
新建农房比例 proportion of newly constructed rural housing

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