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您的位置:首页 >> 翻译家 >> 翻译理论 >>应用中应特别注意的“颜色”

green 除表示绿色外,还可以表示:
(1) 未熟的,生的,如:I have a stomach-ache because I ate a green pear yesterday. 我肚疼,因为我昨天吃了生桃子。
(2) 无经验的,没有受过训练的,幼稚的。如:She is still green at this job. 她对这件工作还是生疏的。
(3) (脸色等)发青,苍白的。如:You look green, what's wrong with you? 你的脸色这么苍白,怎么啦?
green hand 新手
例:We are green hands, so we must learn from the old workers.作为新人,我们一定要向老工人学习。
green 面带病容
例:What's wrong with you? You are looking green.你怎么了?脸色看起来很苍白。
green 嫉妒
例:I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car.我看到他那辆漂亮的新汽车就非常眼红。
green fingers 有园艺技能
例:I know that his father was green fingers.我知道他爸爸很有园艺技能。

white 除表示"白色"以外,还可表示:
(1) 空的,没有写过字(或没有印刷过的)。如:clean white margins 干净的页边空白处。
(2) 清白的,纯洁的,善意的。 a white lie 不是"白色"的谎言,而是"无恶的谎言"。white coffee 加牛奶或奶油的咖啡
例:I want two white coffees.我要两杯加牛奶的咖啡。
white lie 无恶意的谎言
例:Tom sometimes tells a white lie.汤姆有时会撒一些无伤大雅的谎。
white elephant 无用而又累赘的东西(尤指大而昂贵之物)
例:That would be a white elephant to me.那东西对我来说又贵又没用。

如:He has a black future.他前途黯淡。 She was black with anger.她怒气冲冲。
 因此,a blue mood 不表示"黑色情绪"而表示情绪低落。
(2)邪恶的,不吉利的。如:the black art 妖术。Things look black.事情不妙。
(3)极度的。如:I don't know him. He is a black strangers. 我不认识他,他是一个完全陌生的人。
(4)弄脏的,丢脸的。如: a black mark 污点
a black look 恶狠狠的瞪
例:He gave me a black look.他恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼。
in black and white 以书面的形式
例:I want this agreement in black and white.我要求以书面的形式把这项协议写出来。
black sheep 败家子,害群之马
例:Tom is the black sheep of the family.汤姆是个败家子。

如: She turned blue with fear. 她吓得脸发青。
Lily's face was blue with cold. 莉莉的脸冻得发紫。
如:Xiao Wang looks blue. 小王看上去情绪低落。
once in a blue moon 难得
例:She visits us once in a blue moon.她难得来看我们一次。
blue 黄色的,有伤风化的
例:The blue film was banned by the censor.那部黄色电影被当局禁了。
blue 忧郁、沮丧
例:He looks blue today.他今天看起来很忧郁。
blue blood 贵族血统,名门出身
例:He is proud of his blue blood.他为自己的贵族血统骄傲。

red 除表示"红色"外,还可以表示:
(1) (指脸)(因羞愧、愤怒等)涨红的。
如:He was red with anger.他因发怒而涨红了脸。
(2) 流血的。如:a red battle 血战。
(3) 火烧的。 如:red ruin 火灾。
in/into/out of the red 有/没有亏损
例:The company has been in the red until he took over.在他接手之前,公司一直都亏损。
see red 大怒,生气
例:Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red.她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。
catch somebody red-handed 当场发现某人正在做坏事或犯罪
例:The policeman caught the thief red-handed.警察当场抓住了小偷。

(1) 胆小的。如: I always suspected he was yellow. 我总是怀疑他胆小。
(2) (报刊等)采用耸人听闻手法作低级渲染的。如:yellow press[总称]黄色报刊。

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