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7 paradoxes we bet you can’t solve  打赌你不能解决的七个悖论

ShareParadoxes are rather loosely defined, but can be said to be a true statement that defies intuition. Some have solutions, some don’t. Here are 7 paradoxes we bet you can’t solve.悖论的定义非常宽泛,但我们可以将它说成是藐视直觉的事实。一些悖论有解决的方法,而一些却没有。下面我们将举出七个悖论,打赌你不能解决。

1. Free will 意识自由

If God is omnipotent and knows what we will do before he created us, how can we have free will?如果上帝无所不能并在造出我们之前就已经知道我们会做什么,那么我们如何才能够拥有自由意识呢?

ANSWER: This paradox is explained by God being outside of time–he knows the future just like he knows the past and the present. Just as the past does not interfere with our free will, neither does the future.回答:这个悖论可以用上帝存在超越时间来解释——他可以知道未来,就如同他知道过去和现在。正如过去并不干涉我们的意志自由,未来也不会干涉。

2. Crocodile Dilemma 鳄鱼困境

A crocodile steals a son from his father, and promises to return the child if the father can correctly guess what the crocodile will do. What happens if the father guesses that the child will not be returned to him?一个鳄鱼偷了一个父亲的儿子,它保证如果这个父亲能猜出它要做什么,它就会将儿子还给父亲。那么如果这个父亲猜“鳄鱼不会将儿子还给他”,那会怎样?

ANSWER: There is no solution. If the crocodile keeps the child, he violates his rule, as the father predicted corretctly. If the crocodile returns the child, he still violates his rule as the father’s prediction was wrong.回答:这是一个无解得问题。如果鳄鱼不还儿子,那么父亲就猜对了,鳄鱼就违背了诺言。如果鳄鱼将儿子还给他,那么父亲就猜错了,鳄鱼又违背了诺言。

3. Grandfather paradox祖父悖论

A man goes back in time, and kills his grandfather before the grandmother can meet his grandmother. This means that one of the man’s parents will not have been born, and the man in turn, will not have been born. This would mean that he could not have travelled back in time after all, which means the grandfather would still be alive, and the traveller would have been conceived allowing him to travel back in time and kill his grandfather.一个人回到了过去,在他祖母能遇到祖父之前就杀了他的祖父。这就意味着这个人的父母之中有一个不会出生;依次这个人自己也不会出生;这就意味着他没有机会进行时光旅游挥刀过去;这就意味着他的祖父依然还活着;这就意味着这个人能构思回到过去,并杀了自己的祖父。

ANSWER: The moment the time traveller changes something in the past, a parallel universe splits. This is supported by quantum mechanics.回答:当时间旅行者改变了过去的某事的瞬间,那么平行宇宙就会被切开,这个可以由量子力学来解释。

4. Paradox of the heap沙堆悖论

There are 1,000,000 grains of sand in a heap. If we remove one grain, it is still a heap. If we remove another grain, if it still a heap. If we continue removing one grain at a time, when we’re left with one grain, is that still a heap?有一堆1,000,000颗沙粒组成的沙堆。如果我们拿走一颗沙粒,那么还是有一堆;如果我们再拿走一颗沙粒,那么还是一堆。如果我们就这样一次拿走一颗沙粒,那么当我们们取得只剩下一颗沙粒,那么它还是一堆吗?

ANSWER: Set a fixed boundary. If we said 10,000 grains of sand made a heap, then anything below it would not be a heap. Yet, it seems unreasonable to distinguish between 9,999 and 10,001 grains of sand. The solution can therefore be altered to say there is a fixed boundary, but they are not necessarily knowable.回答:设定一个固定的边界。如果我们说10,000颗沙粒是一堆沙,那么少于10,000颗沙粒组成的就不能称之为一堆沙。那么这样区分9999颗沙和10001颗沙就有点不合理。那么就有一个解决方案了——设定一个可变的边界,但是这个边界是多少,并不需要知道。

5. Omnipotence paradox全能悖论

Can God create something so heavy He cannot lift it? If he can create something so heavy he can’t lift, then his lack of strength means he is not omnipotent. If he can’t create something so heavy he can’t lift, than he is not omnipotent.上帝能造出一个重到他自己也举不起的东西吗?如果他能,那么他不能举起这个东西,就证明他力量方面不是全能的。如果他不能,那么不能创造出这样一个东西,就证明他在创造方面不是全能的。

ANSWER: The most common response is that as God is omnipotent, “can not lift” does not make sense. Other answers include the question being a contradiction, like a “square circle”.回答:最普遍的回答是上帝是全能的,所以“不能举起”是毫无意义的条件。其他的回答指出这个问题本身就是矛盾的,就像“正方形的圆”一样。

6. Epimenides paradox埃庇米尼得斯悖论

Epimenides, in a poem wrote: “The Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies!” However, Epimenides himself was a Cretan. If Epimenides is a Cretan and a liar, then his statement, “The Cretans, always liars” is a lie. This means all Cretans are truthful, then Epimenides’ statement is the truth. The paradox will infinitally regress.埃庇米尼得斯在一首诗中写道:“克里岛的人,人人都说谎,邪恶的野兽,懒惰的胴网!”然而埃庇米尼得斯自己却是个克里岛人。如果埃庇米尼得斯是一个克里岛人,并且是一个说谎者的话,那么他的诗中所说的“克里岛的人,人人都说谎”就是一个谎话。这就意味着所有的克里岛人都是诚实的人,那么埃庇米尼得斯所言就是实话。那么这个悖论又回到了开始。

ANSWER: If Epimenides knew of at least one Cretan (other than himself) who is not a liar, his statement is a lie (because he asserts all) even though it correctly describes the speaker as a liar.回答:如果埃庇米尼得斯知道至少一个克里岛人(除了他以外)不说谎,那么他的诗就是一个谎言(因为他坚称所有克里岛人说谎),即使这首诗的作者是一个说谎者的事实也是真的。

7. Unstoppable force paradox无法阻挡的力量悖论

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object? If the force moves the object, then it is not unmovable. If the force doesn’t, the force is not unstoppable.当一个无法阻挡的力量,碰到了一个无法移动的物体?如果这个力量移动了物体,那么这个物体就不是无法移动的。如果这个力量没有移动物体,那么这个无法阻挡的力量就被挡了下来。

ANSWER: This situation can never happen, as if there is an unstoppable force, there couldn’t be an unmovable object and vice versa. More interestingly, there can never be an unmovable object. An unmovable object would have to have infinite inertia, and therefore infinite mass. Infinite mass cannot exist in our finite 回答:这种情况永远不会发生,因为如果真有无法阻挡的力量,那么就不会存在无法移动的物体,反之亦然。更有趣的是,不会有无法移动的物体。一个无法移动的物体必须有无限大的惯性,无限大的惯性,就需要无限大的质量。而无限大的质量不会存在于我们这个有限的世界。

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