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您的位置:首页 >> 翻译家 >> 翻译实践 >>2010年10佳电子设备 Best gadget of 2010: Top 10
2010年10佳电子设备 Best gadget of 2010: Top 10

英国网站推出本年度最佳电子设备榜单,苹果成为大赢家,iphone、ipad、ipod touch皆在前十之列。新贵台湾宏达(HTC)也有上佳表现。

electricpig.co.uk一直持续更新着一份2010年最佳电子设备的榜单,岁末来临,这份榜单亦告结束,现在就来看看最后排名前十的2010年最佳电子设备:We keep a running chart of the best gadget of 2010 that we update continuously - and you can bet we'll do the same for 2011 too. But with the year up, it's time to stop the clock and see where we're at. Read on and we'll show you the best gadget of 2010 Top 10.

1. 微软 Microsoft Kinect
这是一款真正无障碍的动作感应游戏,表现相当了得。响应迅速,并已经提供了不少出众的新游戏,这正是任天堂4年前梦想完成的(任天堂是动作感应游戏的先驱,4年前就推出了首款产品):家庭游戏。圣诞节的必需品。It’s genuinely hassle free motion gaming, and it is glorious. Stunningly responsive, and already offering brilliant launch titles, this is what Nintendo only wish it could have pulled off four years ago: family gaming. A must have for Christmas.

2. 苹果 iPhone 4
苹果一向靠最佳软件,而非最佳硬件来兜售iPhone,不过今年它斩获最佳智能手机却是缘于后者。难以置信的高清屏,支持高清视频和编辑功能的稳定摄像头,超级性感、超薄的结构使之成为我们的年度智能手机。Apple’s always relied on the best software, rather than the best hardware, to sell its iPhones, but this year it cranked out the best smartphone for the latter too. An unbelievably sharp screen, solid camera with HD video and editing and a super sexy, super slim frame make it our smartphone of the year.

3. 谷歌 Google Nexus S
我们也喜欢Samsung Galaxy S,不过在我们看来,这件设备的落选并非出于硬件原因(高速1GHz CPU和极为漂亮的4英寸Super AMOLED显示屏)(译注:AMOLED是有源矩阵有机发光二极体面板,比传统液晶面板反应速度更快、对比度更高、视角更广,Super AMOLED为其升级版),但三星的软件不咋样。Google Nexus S与其非常相似,但保证在未来很长时间内可尽快获得最新版Android。如果你不想要iPhone,这个不错。We loved the Samsung Galaxy S, but as we remarked in our review, the thing holding it back wasn’t its hardware (a zippy 1GHz CPU and shockingly beautiful 4-inch Super AMOLED display), but Samsung’s software skin. The Google Nexus S is a very similar phone, but with a guarantee of getting the latest version of Android ASAP for a long time to come. If you don’t want an iPhone, you need this.

4. 宏达 HTC Desire HD
If the Google Nexus S is the best phone for Android purists, this is the mass market Android mobile of choice. Its huge 4.3-inch screen is housed in a lavish, thin unibody shell, and HTC genuinely adds value with its Sense software and cloud services. Shame about the battery life though.

5. 苹果 Apple iPad
这是一个真正的开创者,它的优点与时俱增。虽然由于价格昂贵,尚无法替代笔记本电脑,不过可以坚信,随着应用程序丰富,它会击败笔记本电脑。Apple’s tablet is a true trendsetter, and it’s only got better and better over time. It’s still too pricey to justify instead of a laptop, rather than alongside, but believe the hype: it’s an instant on slate with apps galore, that never runs out of battery.

6 宏达 HTC Legend
iPhone 4推出之前,它一直是我们的年度手机,即使现在,它仍旧是史上最性感的智能手机。十足漂亮的铝制外壳,还有AMOLED屏和Android,可谓款式时髦、质地坚实。 This was our phone of the year until the iPhone 4 came along, and even now, it’s still the sexiest smartphone ever made. An utterly beautiful aluminium shell houses an AMOLED display and Android, even if the screen is low resolution compared to competitors. Style and substance.

7. 微软 Xbox 360 slim
微软的新款Xbox 360“瘦身”了,摒弃了无用的功能,又额外附送Wi-Fi和Kinect端口。由于这些深受欢迎的改进,要在它与索尼PS3 slim间作出选择真是难上加难了。 Microsoft’s new Xbox 360 trims down the size, slashes the noise and throws in Wi-Fi and a Kinect port too. All very welcome improvements which make choosing between it and a PS3 slim an incredibly hard choice, which is as it should be.

8. 苹果 iPod touch 4G
iPod touch 4G汇集了iPhone 4所有最佳之处,如高分辨率屏幕率、FaceTime和高清视频录制,但它价格更低,应用更精炼。如果你不痴迷无损音乐,那它就是最佳便携式媒体播放器。 The iPod touch 4G gets all the best bits of the iPhone 4, like the incredible screen resolution, FaceTime and HD video recording, and crams them in at a lower price, and in an even thinner case. Unless you’re a lossless audio obsessive, this is the best PMP out there.

9. Humax HDR-FOX T2
在免费观看高清PVR(个人录影机)的第一波浪潮中,这堪称最好的产品。它存储容量大、带IPTV功能、可媒体流式传输以及用户界面简易。大品牌、声誉绝对有保障。The best of the first wave of Freeview HD PVRs has a huge hard drive, IPTV skills, media streaming thrown in and an easy to use UI. A big brand, with a box that backs up its reputation.

10. 东芝Toshiba Portege R700
年末,东芝奉上了惊人的笔记本电脑:这款13.3英寸屏电脑性能卓越,重量极轻,而且价格也不太贵。可谓MacBook的超强对手。Toshiba turned in a surprise laptop late on in the year: this 13.3-inch machine has blazing performance, weighs nothing at all and doesn’t cost the earth. A brilliant MacBook rival.

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