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永远不要写入简历中的11件事 11 Things You Should Never Put On Your Resume

A new batch of December graduates is getting ready to fly the coop in search for a job and we hope they've already heard the bad news: There are a lot of unemployed people out there.
If the market far exceeds demand, how do you make sure you get past the resume screening process into the interviewing round? By making sure your resume is flawless.
"Somewhere between 95 to 99% of resumes have stuff that shouldn't be on there," Eli Amdur, senior coach and adviser from the Amdur Coaching and Advisory Group, told us. "The general rule is if you put anything on there that distracts the reader from your real accomplishments, then don't do it. Resumes need to be concise and clear."
 有些机构接受的简历中,95%-99%的简历当做垃圾处理,这是来自Amdur教练和咨询团队的资深教练、咨询师 Eli Amdur告诉我们。一般的做法是:如果你在简历中写入一些无关紧要的东西,例如当简历审阅者看你的简历并对你真实技能判断时,一些能够转移他们注意力的东西,然后却不能集中精力评估。简历必须是简明直白的。
We've compiled some tips from career experts to make sure your resume steers clear of the trash pile.

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