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十大经典文学作品Top 10 classic literature

Cool, winter weather is settling in, and some of us are finding it difficult to get outdoors. If television turns you off, find something thought-provoking, like a good book, and get comfortable in front of the fire. The Daily Top 10's crack panel of scholars has a list of some classics that should come in handy.寒意随冬风袭来,吹走了许多人的户外活动计划。如果对电视感到了厌烦,不妨找一些能让思维运动起来的事物,比如说一本好书,然后就去享受火炉旁读书的惬意吧。“每日前十名”推荐小组的专家们给出了经典文学的清单,这些书都不难得到。

1. Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe -- Thomas Wolfe's poetic sense and mastery of English are almost unparalleled in modern American literature. What's interesting is that in this book, originally titled O Lost, Wolfe describes his autobiographical escapades in the Virginia Tidewater, visiting Norfolk and Lee Hall in Newport News, as well as working in the construction of the "Hampton flying field," now Langley Air Force Base.
1.《天使望故乡》,托马斯·伍尔夫 (Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe)。在现代美国文学作家中,托马斯所具有的诗意品质和娴熟的语言应用无人能出其右。这本自传性的小说初名《噢,迷途人》,描述了作者的一系列经历:在弗吉尼亚州的泰德沃特的越轨行为,到纽波特纽斯的诺福克及里哈尔之行,还有参与建造“汉普顿飞行场”的经历,后者即现在的兰利空军基地。

2. 1984 by George Orwell -- Many of Orwell's predictions of postmodern life have come true, though some are a couple of decades late. Still, this book gives reasonable warnings about how technology could dehumanize us. Do you already feel as though you are being watched?
2.《1984》,乔治·奥威尔(1984 by George Orwell)。乔治对后现代生活所做的种种预言很多都成了现实,尽管有的比他估计的时间晚了几十年。但是这本书仍然可以警示我们技术对人的异化作用。你是否已经感觉到自己正在被监视?

3. Frankensteinby Mary Shelley -- It helps to know where some of those classic movie monsters come from. Shelley's Frankensten, Or, The Modern Prometheus is a three-fold examination of human myths, psychology, and of course, horror.
3.《弗兰肯斯坦》,玛丽·雪莱 (Frankensteinby Mary Shelley)。这本书有助于我们了解电影中那些经典的魔兽的形象是从哪里来的。雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》,或者叫做《现代的普罗米修斯》,是一部三卷本的小说。它考察了人类的神话,心理,当然还有荣誉。

4. The Taming of the Shrewby William Shakespeare -- A hilarious read, this is one of the most light-hearted of Shakespeare's plays. Taming of the Shrew lacks the tragedy, murder, intrigue, and severe family problems that characterize most of Shakespeare's plays.
4.《驯悍记》,威廉·莎士比亚 (The Taming of the Shrewby William Shakespeare)。作为一部喧闹的作品,它算得上是莎士比亚最为轻松欢快的剧作之一了。在《驯悍记》中,你找不到莎剧中常见的悲情,谋杀,阴谋以及尖锐的家族纷争。

5. Lie Down in Darkness by William Styron -- Styron was a Newport News native. His Lie Down in Darkness is immortalized by the Port Warwick development named after his fictional city, a square bearing his name and Loftis Boulevard, named after the novel's main character. Styron also wrote Sophie's Choice, popularized by a movie starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline.
5. 《倒在黑暗里》,威廉·史泰龙 (Lie Down in Darkness by William Styron)。史泰龙是土生土长的纽波特纽斯人。小说中的虚构城市的和主人公分别被用来命名华威港和洛夫蒂斯大道,这使得《倒在黑暗里》在现实世界里变得不朽。史泰龙的另一部作品《苏菲的选择》被改变成电影,由于梅丽尔·斯特里普,凯文·克莱恩的主演而广为接受。

6. Remembrance of Things Pastby Marcel Proust -- Also called the continuous novel, it is made of several hefty volumes. Have you ever wanted to get completely lost in a book (or series of books)? This would be it. This work can be consuming, as Proust died before he could finish writing it.
6. 《追忆似水年华》,马塞尔·普鲁斯特 (Remembrance of Things Pastby Marcel Proust)。这部小说由厚厚的几卷组成,又被称为连续小说。是否有过一部书曾让你完全沉浸其中?这部书可以。要读它可能要花点时间,普鲁斯特毕其一生也未能将小说全部写完。

7. War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells -- Talk about a Halloween scare. Orson Wells' Oct. 30, 1938 radio broadcast of this work sent thousands of people into a frenzied panic. Despite older movie versions, this one made it back into Hollywood recently in a 2005 remake starring Tom Cruise.
7.《世界大战》,H.G. 威尔斯 (War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells。小说描述的是发生在万圣夜的惊悚事件。1938年10月30号奥森·威尔斯以广播的形式播放了这部小说,数以千计的听众陷入疯狂恐惧。该部小说有多个电影改编版本,最新一次重回好莱坞的是2005年,由汤姆克鲁斯主演。

8. The Odyssey by Homer -- We owe a lot to Homer. It is through his epic poems that many became familiar with classical Greek myths, such as sirens and the Cyclops. This story was retold excellently in O Brother, Where Art Thou? produced in 2000.
8. 《奥德赛》,荷马 (The Odyssey by Homer)。我们从荷马哪里收益良多。通过他的史诗,我们得以了解古希腊神话,诸如塞壬和独眼巨人基克洛普斯的故事。2000年出版的《哦,兄弟,你在哪里?》对这个故事进行了精彩的重述。

9. Light in Augustby William Faulkner -- Faulkner is a staple of American literature. His stories carry philosophical weight and natural themes that often speak to the slow, simple way of life in rural areas of the South.
9. 《八月之光》,威廉·福克纳 (Light in Augustby William Faulkner)。福克纳是美国文学的标杆。他的作品带有哲理般的深沉和自然主义式的主题,关注的是南方农村的缓慢而又简单的生活方式。

10. Candideby Voltaire -- Satire at its best. It may take a dry sense of humor and a sense of historical context, but reading Voltaire's Candide can leave you in stitches.
10. 《老实人》,伏尔泰 (Candideby Voltaire)。讽刺作品的典范。要品尝到其中幽默需要细细品味,或许还要有些历史背景知识。但是伏尔泰的《老实人》的确可以让你忍俊不禁。

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