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旅游者如何在挪威吃的更便宜How to eat cheap in Norway
作者:Sonya Procenko

Traveling around Norway and eating well on a budget is a constant challenge.通常来说以相对节约的预算方式在挪威旅游并且吃的很好是一种很大的挑战。

Unfortunately, the traveler’s tale/urban myth of the $20 Oslo hot dog reflects the high cost of dining out here.不幸的是,旅行者们在奥斯陆吃的20美元一个的热狗的故事很好的反映了挪威饮食的高消费一面。

In Norway’s cities especially, a traveler’s budget can be reduced simply by eating smart and cheaper.尤其在挪威的各大城市,降低旅行者们的预算就需要在吃上面多一些灵活性和廉价的选择了。

Here are three “eat cheaper in Norway” tips:下面就举出了3种在挪威吃的更便宜一些的小提示:

Take time for a big, hotel breakfast.在大饭店提供的早餐上多花些时间。

The typical Scandinavian hotel breakfast is an unlimited, smorgasbord-style buffet breakfast. Larger hotels have a wide selection of hot and cold breakfast items such scrambled eggs, cereals, cheese and and breads. If you take time out for a big breakfast, you likely won’t be hungry again until dinner and save money on lunch out.一顿典型的斯堪地纳维亚饭店提供的早餐通常是一种不限量的自助早餐形式。 大饭店的早餐供应都提供了很多热菜或凉菜的选择,比如煎蛋,麦片,奶酪和面包。 显而易见的是,如果你在早餐上花些时间多吃点的话,你就可以在晚餐前都不会很饿,并且在午餐的时候你也就可以少花点钱吃少一些了。

Browse local markets, grocery stores and bakery cafes.逛逛当地的市场,留意一下食品杂货店和烘焙咖啡店。

Most larger cities feature farmers and fish markets where you can browse seasonal fresh, local produce and catches-of-the-day. At Bergen’s Fish Market, you can buy fresh tasty, classic shrimp-and-cucumber on baguette sandwiches.大部分大城市都有农产品和水产市场,在这些地方你可以很方便的买到当天的时令鲜品,特产和鲜活产品。 在卑尔根的水产市场,你可以买到不少新鲜的美味,比如夹着龙虾肉和黄瓜片的法式三明治。

Visit the local grocery stores which are smaller and abundant in cities. They sell takeaway dishes, snack foods like fruit, yogurt and chocolate, and cold cuts and bread for sandwiches, usually much cheaper. Some local bakery cafes offer simple sandwiches and dishes for less than prices at neighboring restaurants.去遍布城市的小型食品杂货店看看。 这些地方会提供不少种类的外卖食品和小吃,像水果,乳酪,巧克力以及做三明治的冷切肉和面包。通常这类食品的价格都很便宜。 一些烘焙咖啡屋提供的简易三明治和菜品要比附近的饭馆便宜。

Avoid food at newspaper kiosks and gas stations.避免在报亭和加油站购买食品。

Stay away from buying sandwiches, drinks and snacks from newspaper kiosks and gas stations. While they are convenient, you will likely pay more than for the same cheaper grocery store prices.不要在报亭和加油站买三明治,饮料或小吃。 虽然可能很方便,但这些地方卖的可比食品杂货店的贵。

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